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  1. Hello, I have setup arma3 server on Tcadmin and now have setup 1 click install for epoch mod (All files, configs and command lines all good) So my issue now is the RedisDB arma3 epoch uses within a folder "DB" that's added to the arma3 epoch server. I figure that users should only need redis for epoch so im trying to setup a "custom icon" under the mod "Epoch" in mod manager making a batch script to start redisDB and a script to stop the users redisDB This is my start script @echo off echo starting redisDB start %ThisService_WorkingDirectory%DB\redis-server.exe also tried this @echo off echo starting redisDB start DB\redis-server.exe The Script either way seems to kind of work they start the database when clicked on But with this error Stopping the service... The service has been stopped. starting redisDB Starting the service... The service has been started. The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Services\Launchers\TCAGame\Temp\3b8a7e75-bcce-4b88-a7d9-54195734a7a0_out.txt' because it is being used by another process. anyone know what im doing wrong or how to fix this error?
  2. Create a arma3 server once you have added a arma3 server to tcadmin then work on the mod manager install each mod this way you have freedom over what you want to run on your arma3 server if you create a arma3 exile setup and people rent it they will not be able to change the server from exile to say epoch or altis life unless you do it the way i suggest add the base game then work on your mods in mod manager this giving 1 click install for your mod this link tells you how to setup phpmyadmin for databases upon user/service creation http://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database
  3. Create a arma3 server once you have added a arma3 server to tcadmin then work on the mod manager install each mod this way you have freedom over what you want to run on your arma3 server if you create a arma3 exile setup and people rent it they will not be able to change the server from exile to say epoch or altis life unless you do it the way i suggest add the base game then work on your mods in mod manager this giving 1 click install for your mod this link tells you how to setup phpmyadmin for databases upon user/service creation http://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database
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