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Everything posted by Paully

  1. Thank you for the help you gave me Dennis. With the link and help you gave, i did some research and found how to symlink and also found a way to fix it for all servers, current and new. The main fix i did besides symlink is a issue with steamcmd not installing correctly on linux servers, found that fix on the steam forums. Thanks again Dennis you were the biggest help.
  2. Sent you pm on skype

  3. im not really understanding this one bit, sorry for not having alot of knowledge on this, is there any way you can explain this in an easier way
  4. What im asking is i have 19 servers, how do i get the mods to symlink or transfer to mods folder on all servers without having to do it manually and for new servers to do the same
  5. do i have to do this for every server or is there a way to make a script to auto do this to all servers
  6. What you mean create a symlink can you explain, i have tried everything of my knowledge but no luck on getting it to work.
  7. Any fix to get Automatic mod installation working again or is it still broken?
  8. I dont no why so many ppl are having issues with this, i found a few bugs but linux is working great for me even before the latest update thanks
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