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  1. This is probably due that i ran the arma as user tcagame but when i run as root it works strange.
  2. you need a copy of the game download with steamcmd easy as pie
  3. I'm using it on centos7 works like a charm no issues here.
  4. try /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service start /home/tcadmin/Monitor/serviceman-service start and disable iptables
  5. Since new arma 3 apex update tcadmin has failed to run mods i've tried my runserver.sh through putty and it's ran the mods correcty it runs the mods like this -mod=@ifa3lite\;@mod2 and it works fine but if i run the same through tcadmin executable arma3launchercustom.sh it fails to locate the @ifa3lite folder and @mod2 i have no idea what's causing this i'd like to fix it asap as tcadmin is useless for me at this point as i mainly use it for arma but anyhelp would be appreciated. it was working fine before but also here is my launch.sh ./arma3server -pid=2307 -cfg=basic.cfg -config=config.cfg -port=2307 -autoInit -profiles=@Profiles -name=server -ranking=plyrs.log -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=8 -mod=@ifa3lite\;@advancedmv\;@cba_a3 -servermod=@ifa3lite\;@advancedmv\;@cba_a3
  6. I'm new to this but i saw some of you guys asking for arma 3 exile config i made one that works i'll attach it below i'll also link the profiles i'm using. Make sure once you uploaded this into games configs you choose the Exile command line ignore the others. A3 Exile - Windows.xml
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