Since new arma 3 apex update tcadmin has failed to run mods i've tried my through putty and it's ran the mods correcty it runs the mods like this -mod=@ifa3lite\;@mod2 and it works fine but if i run the same through tcadmin executable it fails to locate the @ifa3lite folder and @mod2 i have no idea what's causing this i'd like to fix it asap as tcadmin is useless for me at this point as i mainly use it for arma but anyhelp would be appreciated.
it was working fine before but also here is my ./arma3server -pid=2307 -cfg=basic.cfg -config=config.cfg -port=2307 -autoInit -profiles=@Profiles -name=server -ranking=plyrs.log -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=8 -mod=@ifa3lite\;@advancedmv\;@cba_a3 -servermod=@ifa3lite\;@advancedmv\;@cba_a3