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  1. Hello, I fixed the web console problem however the world size is still at 6000. If anyone knows of a fix for this please let me know. Thank you
  2. Hello, Just tried to get it to launch and while it's launching, the web console is still not working and the world size is not changing. I fiddled around with it but nothing seems to be working. Was there a change to the max world size? It's raising to 6000 but not to 8000. Other than that. It's all working. Configuration: http://files.enjin.com/1236625/Other/Changed_CommandLine.PNG
  3. OK thanks for that. I did google for my doubts and all the things I found used "-" instead of "+" and the slash for the data dictionary was what came with the original config.
  4. Hello, I've been having some issues with my Rust Custom command line. The server is able to start with no issues and even can load Oxide and all that jazz, but when I try to configure a custom command line in it refuses to work. The web console stops relaying the server logs and I don't see it starting up either. I've attached a picture of the custom command line and the default command line. The biggest problem I've had is the level names. With the default configuration it would just load the benchmark map which is nothing if I tried to change the map through the custom command line. If anyone can see an error I made please help me correct it. Thank you Images (Forums compress them too much): http://files.enjin.com/1236625/Other/Custom_Configuration.PNG, http://files.enjin.com/1236625/Other/Default_Configuration.PNG
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