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Everything posted by geekhosting

  1. Excel, Thank you for the reply, We have tried numerous approaches into getting the above config to actually work without any successes. If you do not mind sharing your config, we will very much appreciate it As far as the ports go, we did a lot of research and the statement by Raizio seems to be correct.
  2. As mentioned in my first post. I found the xml from here ( http://pastebin.com/SDws3tPw ) i have not changed anything in the file besides fixing the XML to be able to import it ?
  3. Hi wirs, Thanx for the reply, this seems like a possible solution though we are not sure on the actual command line format ? This is our Defualt command line that we have: ![Map]?SessionName="![serverName]"?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?RCONPort=$[service.RConPort]?MaxPlayers=![MaxPlayers]?NonPermanentDiseases=![NonPermanentDiseases]?PreventDiseases=![PreventDisease]?AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier=![AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier]?ServerPassword=![serverPassword]?ServerAdminPassword=![serverAdminPassword]?RCONEnable=![RCON]?listen -log -UseBattlEye And this be our Predefined Commandline: -Xmx![Xmx]M -Xms![Xms]M -jar craftbukkit.jar --nojline nogui Are these commandlines correct ? In regards to the ports, we have check all ports but these ports are open and availabile ?
  4. Hi there Gents, I' am quite new to this panel so please do not judge I've been making use of gamepanel.com for the past year which was great but had some limitation. So i found tcadmin and seems like i had it setup and configured correctly. Though, i seem to have a problem with the game config file as the one i found here http://pastebin.com/SDws3tPw had to be changed in order for me to import it to tcadmin. (I had to change the xml code for it to accept it) I have attached the file below, Even-though the file is able to be imported into tcadmin V2 now it seems to not be displaying the config file very well ? For example: After creating a Ark service and assigning it to an account, iam able to manage the server and config files. BUT upon making changes to the config file it seems tonot wanting to take the changes ? (It reverts back to default) I have tried changing the ports (Game and query) but the problem is still there. (After rebooting the service though) One last thing, seeing that the service is Displayed with a running status on tcadmin panel, i seem to be getting the following emails ??? Hello #### The server ###.###.#.###:7777 has not responded {Count} times and has reached the maximum number of allowed failures. Please investigate. Best regards, In closing, is there anyone willing to assist in making this config file work ? Or even if someone is willing to share a working config ? Thank you in advanced ark - Linux.xml
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