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Everything posted by Mike_cs

  1. Is Web Console working on latest version? I'm a few versions behind but the known issue is still on the first post. Can't get schedule console commands working.
  2. Hey, I'm having a problem with the server creation because of the certificates Error: Could not find file "/home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/fivem-linux/alpine/etc/ssl/certs/2c11d503.0" I can cat it, so I guess it's a permission problem? The original file it's owned by root at /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla Any guess?
  3. Hello, I'm getting an error installing or updating and ARK server. Not happening with CS:GO. Any thoughts?
  4. Hey there, Everything is working except Mods for me. Did everything as described but it hangs on the last Mod download as shown on the image. Any thoughts?
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