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Everything posted by coolhome

  1. Anyone having problems this is what you need to do. Get config's from http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=64031&postcount=56 Remove his companies tag (if you want lol) Enable SteamCMD and set Game ID to 740 If you are using Linux you want to look at this http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9703 I can upload those files on request Go to the Game Tools -> Download Game Files -> CSGO -> Your account with beta Here is another post you may want to look at http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9707 Username's can not have and upper cases in it.
  2. Hey man! Thanks for the information. I was getting mad when I couldn't get it to run! haha!
  3. coolhome

    SteamCMD CentOS

    SteamCMD function doens't work on my install of CentOS 5. Problem: Missing Files Solution: Place files missing files in /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd/linux32 Files missing: libstc++.so.6 crashhandler.so libtier0_s.so libvstdlib_s.s steamclient.so steamconsole.so libsteam.so I believe part of this has to do with the steam.sh script. I think the last three files get downloaded when you execute it. Not to sure.
  4. I know what you mean. I'm trying to get it to seamlessly integrate into our site however just modifying CSS is just not enough. Looks like i'm going to have to settle with that. They should look into a template system. I found some html you could probably modify. I haven't try it. It's at /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel/App_Themes_Code/Default
  5. I think a great addition to TCAdmin would be a user API. The user would be able to pull stat information and would be able to start, restart, and stop a service would be fantastic. Any thoughts?
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