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Posts posted by IGH

  1. I have sent in a ticket about this, but wanted to let others know.


    We had an issue earlier where the service manager for a few of our remotes was deleted. The service was deleted and servicemanager.exe. it turns out Windows Defender flagged it is a Trojan and removed it.


    Make sure you have whitelisted the TCAdmin folder from Windows Defender.

  2. IGH,


    I used the .xml config file that was posted earlier in this thread and did nothing to it.


    This is my command line:

    -console -path $[service.RootDirectory]WORLD -ignorelastsession -maxPlayers $[service.Slots] -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort]


    Sorry I could not be of more help


    Don't worry I worked it out! It shows 0/0 players when no world is loaded.

  3. Raizo,


    It was showing 0/0 in the Service Info panel.

    Restarted the server a few times... Now showing 0/5.... Strange.


    It is up and running. :-)


    Thanks for everyone's feedback.


    I seem to be getting the 0/0 players error, restarting does not help. Was there anything else you did?

  4. Has anyone got this working? I am struggling to get the commandline working, I have this so far:


    "ConanSandbox?Multihome=$[service.IpAddress]?GameServerPort=$[service.GamePort]?GameServerQueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?ServerName=$[HostName]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen?AdminPassword=$[RConPassword]" -nosteamclient -game -server -log


    However, the servername and max players are not being set.

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