Looked all over the forums, couldn't find any method or fix for this. Please help!
Been using TCAdmin for nearly ten years, recently moved over to TCAdmin 2 -- before that, there was a small 'button' next to the name where default '((#)) Slots ((GAME))' displayed name format could be changed to something custom and specific. I've tried multiple browsers, disabling all plugins/extensions, and reviewed documentation, and every settings and config screen under the game service(s), but there is NO visible way to change the name to something custom. I am using a full Administrator account, and a Pro license, on TCA version with .NET CLR version of 4.0.30319.42000.
Now, we are stuck with a list of old names carried over from TCAdmin 1 and now showing depreciated version numbers or incorrect names - we don't want our Admins to have to refer to specific servers by looking up the Port number or Service ID number, they should just be able to look at the list and read the "TCAdmin ONLY" reference name we set like in TCAdmin v1.
Is there some trick, or way to change this? Is this a bug? I'm not running the very latest version of TCAdmin 2.0, but only a few minor versions back (installed in July) - could this be an issue? We typically update windows server OS and tools like TCAdmin quarterly (stable branches only), but can push it up if it's a known bug already patched.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance from VG!