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Everything posted by dazman

  1. need help with tc admin and outlaws

  2. need some help i got outlaws server installed now its all green the pid but when ya try find it on steam says not responding but the other game riseing world works ok, just wonderded if anyone had idea whats wrong or a working outlaws xml file?
  3. i got outlaws server installed now its all green the pid but when ya try find it on steam says not responding but the other game riseing world works ok, just wonderded if ya had idea whats wrong or a working outlaws xml file?
  4. well its showing green pid so which ports should be open? i could give ya cleint acess to have a look mate
  5. ok now added how i find the server in the list?
  6. ok i try update then get backs ee the server works
  7. i downlaoded recent xml file on the outlaws post page 3 see link below https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=79922#post79922 and when try upload it says this message Unknown column 'hide_read_failure' in 'field list' any ideas on a fix?
  8. when try upload says read error any ideas?
  9. they have relased the dev kit can download here https://steamcommunity.com/games/834910/announcements/detail/1701699309016393958 150GB
  10. when ya say 1 for server use. The server when setup gets a license key from Giant Software. do ya uplaod them from to ya tcadmin server?
  11. just wondering when they relaseing the farm sim 19 xml fies as they only seem be with soem host proiders selected at the moment
  12. hey guys this might help FiveM server you need to edit the server.cfg and generate a key, configure everything at you like. You can easily create more FiveM servers if you go to FXServer AIO EZ Installer on your desktop, if you have it, select Manual Installation option, then deploy a new FiveM server, you need to change the ports on server.cfg, each server needs to have a unique port. hope this helps
  13. hey guys when i try to connet to the server i created it come up saying can"t connect to server, caint trtrive infomation, now firewall is off and still same issue any ideas
  14. ok now its sjowing the pid in green but when test it says conetion failed caint retrive server infomation any ideas
  15. i see game files but no deadicated server files at all
  16. ok tried that but get error message Error - The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\17\EmpyrionDedicated.exe does not exist
  17. game downloader tool where find that in which pannel??
  18. hey guys when i install empurim game says exe deadicated exe file does not exesit and stops the install any ideas how fix this??
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