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  1. I've seen posts from January about this and replies saying it will be fixed in next tcadmin update. I am running current version of tcadmin and i'm still getting it. Was it fixed yet? I had to install pack manually.
  2. Dennis is correct. I was in a rush when I replied but my solution above will fix the issue for you.
  3. Hi, so you can setup a script to run after creation and also one for after reinstall that has something like this: netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%ThisService_RootDirectory%ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe" %ThisService_IpAddress%_%ThisService_GamePort% ENABLE Then also create one for after delete like this: netsh firewall del allowedprogram "%ThisService_RootDirectory%ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe"
  4. Thanks for the reply. I had been trying to use that. I tried to modify it for Dark and Light but I was unable to create an executable that would work. I tried a few different versions of python and py2exe to do it. Have you created a .exe for Dark and Light from these scripts? If so what versions of python and py2exe did you use? Or do you use it just as a python script in tcadmin and how did you do this? I've not been successful with getting python scripts to work yet. Any help is appreciated! Thanks
  5. Is there something like automanagedmods that Ark has for Dark and Light? I tried setting mine up the same as I have my ark servers but that didn't work. Or does anyone know how to extract the .z files that are downloaded using workshop_download_item with steamcmd?
  6. The variable I used was BroadcastMessage. The ThisService_ part is used to reference it from a script. Here is a Windows example. I didn't realize that this post was in the Windows section. @echo off C:\TCAFiles\Users\SourceRcon.exe %ThisService_IpAddress% %ThisService_RConPort% %ThisService_RConPassword% "broadcast %ThisService_BroadcastMessage%" >NUL And you do need to have the BroadcastMessage variable able to be used as a script parameter like you mentioned. And of course check the box to allow the script to be scheduled. I have the execute as the services user checked too.
  7. Yes, it can be done. You'll need to put a copy of SourceRcon.exe (found in your tcadmin/Monitor/Tools folder) into your tcagame folder. Here's an example of one I use for Ark broadcasts on Linux. You can do it for Windows by removing the mono portion. I have the script prompt for variable to get the message they want to send. MONO_PATH="" mono /home/tcagame/SourceRcon.exe ${ThisService_IpAddress} ${ThisService_RConPort} ${ThisService_RConPassword} "broadcast ${ThisService_BroadcastMessage}" &> /dev/null You can use it for any RCON command that you want. Like I have one that issues destroywilddinos and other similar commands. If the command does not require input then just do "command"
  8. numpty, try installing oxide twice. If you're doing it with the Updates option, make it so that it's able to be reinstalled. Just install it once, and then right away install it again. Then try loading your server.
  9. Disregard, I found my mistake.
  10. I setup a Factorio config but it appears there is something stopping multiple instances from running at the same time. I can create multiple servers, but only the first one I start will run. I can start any of them individually but no other will start after one is running. Is this something related to the game? I'm running it with the data stored in the application folder instead of the Users\AppData...
  11. Would you mind posting your command line? I also have tried the run as being TCAGame and local system. When I have it as local service the server does not work. When I have it as TCAGame it works but the save is always in the C:\Users\TCAGame\AppData\LocalLow\SKS folder. I would like to locate the saves folder where the client can access it.
  12. I tried the -savepath and the saves are still in the same location.
  13. Has anyone been able to get the web console to accept commands for Terraria. If so would you mind sharing what you did? Thanks
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