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  1. I'm unsure of why you disallow donation links for people who want to help the community? Edit: Reading further into your forum rules it does says Advertisements are not allowed. How about a Paypal link, etc.?
  2. Hiya all, I am running a Master and a Remote on Windows 2012 R2. When creating a service from WHMCS on the remote it initially tries to start with the correct slots (lets say 30) then resets to 10. If I move the server to the Master, then back to the Remote the 30 slots persists with no issue. Under Service Settings it does say 30 Slots, the database also says 30 Slots. The command line parameter and command line in task manager shows 30 Slots. I feel as though I'm going a bit crazy here but does anyone know the reason why?
  3. The only thing different I see between yours and mine is you added -savepath.
  4. Numpty, make sure initType Continue is in the command line.
  5. I just downloaded The Forest to my game files and just clicked on executable to give it a run first before I installed a server. Otherwise it hung at about 250MB. I have tried it with and without Oxide and it works so far. My biggest issue now is that the server is taking about 9-15% of the CPU even when idle.
  6. I had to run it once before creating the game servers or I got that error also Numpty. I also noticed the config did not have -nographics -batchmode in the default command lines but it was in the custom.
  7. Check for illegal characters in that users directory. An example would be Chinese characters or the following in file or directory names. \ / : * ? " < > | Windows has a nasty habit of letting you zip incorrect files but not unzipping them
  8. Hiya, When trying to use a Virtual Server (TCVirtualSvr2 is the username) I tell the game to Run As Local System and it ignores these settings. Any possible way to fix this?
  9. DirectX is installed, I believe it is the default generic graphics driver installed on this server. It will run under Remote Desktop but when running through TCAdmin it can't get the required resolution.
  10. I read their steam page for Dedicated Servers. It has a ton of people with the resolution problem. They didn't allow -nographics and it boots to a black console screen that fails on my servers.
  11. Looks like we aren't the only ones. Maybe the devs will not require a video card in future updates (1.0)
  12. Still no luck on my end. Has anyone else had any?
  13. Thanks!, I've done a lot of SQL at work for BiS services so will have to employ some of that.
  14. Did a forum search: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12492&highlight=Minecraft
  15. That is really cool, did you just query your TCAdmin Table directly?
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