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  1. Thanks for responding! In this scenario it sounds like you have all your mods listed in Gameusersettings.ini and steam update will update mods for you? No -automanagedmods in the command line? How are you installing mods? Sorry for all the questions but some reason this isn't all working like it -should-. Thank you.
  2. I work for a gaming community that runs mostly survival game servers for our members, but we do not run a server hosting company. We volunteer our time and resources to gamers, mod and plugin creators, and content creators (Youtube, Twitch, etc). We are not business competition to most users of TCAdmin. I would greatly appreciate any assistance people can provide and encourage you all to PM or e-mail me if you are more comfortable with that mod of communication. How is everyone managing mod updates for Ark servers? Adding code to the command line with mods listed in the gameusersettings.ini isn't working. Command line add example: -automanagedmods -MapModID=804312798 Adding ModInstaller to the end of the game.ini has been putting our test server into an endless update loop on start. [ModInstaller] ModIDS=682394267 ModIDS=714672786 Also can someone point me to any resource out there on script writing for TCAdmin?
  3. Thank you for the response! TCAdmin and Ark Server Manager do certainly meet two different business needs! I just wish we had a hybrid between the two already.
  4. Thanks for all this work. We greatly appreciate it! There is one thing I'm trying to figure out. When I look at this config file for Ark it seems to indicate that any game built off the template would have some of these options: But when I build a server with the template this is what appears on the panel: In particular we definitely want the "mods" tool. We had been using Ark Server Manager to manage multiple servers, but we needed a solution that allowed multiple individuals tailored access to servers for various reasons. I'm just finding the TCAdmin panel no where near as user friendly as ASM. Thanks for you help!
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