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  1. If i start conan it works very well, but the memory value goes only up to 50MB. i use debian 9 and the following command to start the wohle thing #!/bin/bash export WINEARCH=win64 export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 0 640x480x24:32' wine ./ConanSandboxServer.exe -ServerName="$[HostName]" -Multihome=$[service.IpAddress] -QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort] -MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots] -port=$[service.GamePort] -RconEnabled=![RconEnabled] -RconPassword="![RconPassword]" -RconPort=$[service.RConPort] -log -nosteamclient -game -server
  2. I have two image servers spread over two data centers. How can I configure the path in a mod to automatically take the corresponding image server? As an example in DC A only images and mods of Imageserver A. DC B only images and mods from Imageserver B. It works with images, but how with mods?
  3. Hi, how can i write a global into a game variable? I have the Xmx variable at Minecraft and want my Global RAM Variable to be assigned to Xmx so that it is displayed correctly as max memory in the stats. My second question is, I want the user to be able to customize his slots with a custom script/icon. Currently I checked Prompt for Variable values and the script says ${ThisService_Slots}=${ThisService_GetSloterino}, how do I get a query in there?
  4. Hi, if i want to use master:8881 after an fresh install, i can't connect. The Server ist loading and get an Network Timeout. But i get redirectet to: https://IP:8881/Interface/Base/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/ how can i fix the problem? master:8880 is working.
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