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Everything posted by HGN-Daniel

  1. Heres another link if anyone needs it: http://cod4boards.com/CoD4MW-1.4-PatchSetup.exe
  2. Call of Duty 4 Patch 1.3 Released (Servers need it too) http://cod4boards.com/CoD4MW-1.3-PatchSetup.exe
  3. For those of you who care: http://icculus.org/news/news.php?id=4095 (call of duty 4 linux files)
  4. I think I read somewhere that they wouldn't be charging for ranked status
  5. Well I mean it probably won't become as popular as CS/CSS like I said in my previous post, but it could easily surpass DOD
  6. I've played it and found it better than CSS in my opinion (probably because from what I've seen so far people who play INS mod tend to be more mature). The game is already creeping up on DOD:S in players.. hopefully the community won't die and it will become the next Counter-Strike (Without all the 10 year olds). It's a shame they don't have linux server files yet
  7. It looks like AoWC has got Halo 2 PC running successfully already
  8. Well I think the Silver XBL accounts are free, I was more concerned about having to buy a game key ($60) just for each instance
  9. That helps alot, thanks. I'm astounded by the lack of support they offer for their product (I've been searching for days and have found next to nothing other than this)
  10. Can one dedicated server be run on multiple instances? Or do you need a new game key for each one?
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