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Everything posted by smay3411

  1. Howdy all, I have been away for a while and playing around with my personal ts3 server I have installed in tcadmin. is there a script that you can use for scheduled snapshot laying around anywhere, I have searched on the forums but every snapshot comes up but nothing for ts3. if someone could please point me in the right direction I would be happy cheers Sean
  2. Give Root Local access to do that make a user as root and give % access
  3. Hey Numpty, I am working on fixing BEC I have a few diffrent versions of BEC its bec.lib is the issue I have also got a program by macca called MBcon which will work with Arma 3. if you want MBCon I will up load it for you but I will keep on working on bec to fix it. cheers Reema
  4. Thanks Numpty, you are a legend is there any thing you need I am learning to make configs I have dayz mod with working bec and db inserts still working on them to inprove the configs cheers Reema
  5. Hi Numpty, That would be good ?
  6. Hey Numpty, Have you got exile and atlas life configs you would mind sharing ? cheers Reema
  7. It would be nice to see more configs. I am teaching myself at the moment have got dayz mod, epoch, overpoch all configs install delete ok with bec install and that was from making my own configs. I know thw game is old now but I still like playing around with the servers since my old Ausarma dayz. love the new forum by the way. cheers Reema
  8. Hi All, Thanks LFA for pointing me in the right direction I will work it out. Cheers SM
  9. Hi Guys. I have everything works now but I can not import the .sql file with MySqlManager() as mysql2: mysql2.DisableReplication=True; mysql2.Connect(String.Format("Data Source={0};Database={1};User Id= {1};Password={2};Pooling=False;", mysql_server, ThisService.Variables["MySQLUser"], ThisService.Variables["MySQLPassword"])); mysql2.ImportDatabase(ThisService.RootDirectory + "db.sql"); I am using db.sql for now I have put it in the server root, after install of Dayz there is nothing in mysql (db28) table. Does anyone know how I can fix this cheers SM
  10. Thanks for that I have got past that now but now having trouble creating but I will keep at it and hopefully work it out.
  11. Hi All, I am having a little trouble with my database I am using the scripts from here https://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database everything works up to this point. with MySqlManager() as mysql2: mysql2.DisableReplication=True; mysql2.Connect(String.Format("Data Source={0};Database={1};User Id= {1};Password={2};Pooling=False;", mysql_server, ThisService.Variables["MySQLUser"], ThisService.Variables["MySQLPassword"])); mysql2.ImportDatabase(ThisService.RootDirectory + "db.sql"); this is the error I am getting. Access denied for user 'db28'@'%' to database 'db' I have tried everything to fix but no good. cheers SM
  12. Hi Numpty, Sorry for the long delay in replying that would be good I have arma 2 dayz going but BEC is doing my head in Have tried working it out I can get it to the point in installing but not working. Thanks one again everyone
  13. just a suggestion I would like to see a bec style messages integrated into TCAdmin it would save a lot of hassles and I think it would be a good pickup since they have closed down bec. Just a though.
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