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  1. here you go, works good for windows mw3.txt
  2. hi al fine now for tcadmin 1 and tcadmin 2 on gmod, thanks anyways
  3. hi here is a working tcadmin version 1 cfg for that game and for windows servers. oh and you need to use the steam.dll, from your steam account, replace this fie in the bin folder of your Insurgency folder. Please see attached files for CFG GTSGaming are a UK base Game Service Provider who aim to bring low ping, high speed game servers to its customers for the lowest prices on the web. Quality Cheap Server hosting CSGO, Chivalry, Call of Duty 4, Wolfet and all other major steam games, we make sure that our current customers are very happy with our Services and we offer a very affordable price for a 32 slot server, costing Less Than 9.00 UK Pounds per month, no other GSP can beat that price, we at GTSGaming dont even charge you any VAT. Insurgency 2.txt
  4. hi here is a working windows tcadmin 2 cfg. please enter your own details and settings. regards gtsgaming arma2oa - Windows.xml
  5. hi all has anyone got a working gmod cfg, with correct comandlines for steam workshop etc. needed for tcadmin 1, we already have the cfg however its broken. kind regards
  6. hi here is a working tcadmin version 1 and version 2 cfg, windows servers regards mw3.txt COD_MW3 - Windows.xml
  7. hi here is a working TF2 MAN VS MACHINE CFG this is for tcadmin version 2, complete with command - lines and steamcmd updates. all you need to do is create a folder named tf2MVM in your Game Installs folder. just chuck in that folder a copy of your tf2 files. and your done kind regards. TF2 MVM - Windows.xml
  8. hi everyone, im in need of a Insurgency 2 CFG. thanks in advance
  9. hi all i have the blac ops server files, but does anyone know where i can get a tcadmin game cfg for black ops, tried to make one but failing. kind regards
  10. hi all has anyone got a spare Mount&Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars tcadmin cfg. i could have.. thanks and regards
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