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cody0520 last won the day on February 24 2020

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  1. i was using a program that really only edited with .css/html files so all the work i done actually was just for temporary placements, after i applied the changes, it broke the site and all functions and due to my time and everything else with learning video game development, and my job i had to put this off but i believe the program was called like studio light or something along the lines of that
  2. whats your discord? ill shoot ya a FR and a PM so ya got me. imma need it thanks! lol besides local ip anything else that i should try that you can think of? ( i checked all ports again and all were still same as before when it was working )
  3. o no doubt in deed! it marked 48hrs when i created this post. and yet here i am ahaha ( trying to sweet talk my GF to going to the server and reverting the changes i did so i can try something else to get this to work correctly )
  4. crap lost connection to it XD it didnt like something i did lol im getting one soon as i can sorta all issues out on one ( plus that allows me time to get another machine and expands my knowledge on TCA )
  5. Ill Give that a shot and hopes it works im doing this all remote right now XD so if i lose connection to the server im SOL till this weekend haha
  6. just checked and its on Automatic vs it being set there. EDIT : Yesterday when you told me to Start the SMC it was working fine now this. lol Not sure if i added that in
  7. im using a master license for testing before i purchase another one for remote, so im using WHMCS to try and create the User account with said game, soon as it receives the command to do it i get said error. A Yea Via ipconfig and what i have set within the Modem that server is that Local IP
  8. it did solve the initial issue of services not being able to be started but now its not creating or even responding to any request made by the client end getting the same error but the SMC is running - i have tried restarting all of TCAdmin -also tried restarting just the SMC, -
  9. I'll give that a shot thanks!
  10. Hello Everyone! so im having a bit of a small issue with TCAdmin when starting a Game Service. " No connnection could be made to the target machine " im using the local IP via different computer to set everything up, ive forwarded the port, ive punched that port through FW, i even disabled FW to check it to see if it works ( dont worry its enabled again ) Also when trying to delete a Users Account im getting " Count not uninstall the service with ID 2 " i tried everything i could think of and went through the documentation and didnt see anything about either one of the 2 errors TCADMIN VERSION: Newest one WIndows: server 2019 ( Fully updated ) Firewalls: Active via Modem and Router ( port has been punched on both but nothing changed ) Game: ARK Survival Evolved TCADMIN CONNECTION: Via Local IP In Google Chrome.
  11. Make Sure your Steam Profile is set and working correctly, had the same issue with Dayz expect on windows, and i didnt have a steam account set.
  12. Thanks! I tried so hard to get it to work correctly XD but i gotta redo it all again cause i edited the wrong section in CSS and botched it all up ?
  13. o its coming! ive been out of town for a while now D: and just had my wisdom teeth taken out! The only issue i have with the theme is when i go to a Actual broswer and not the CSS editor it throws everything off and out of alignment haha im probably mis-using the css position element XD
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