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  1. Back up your oxide folder and any extensions you use and upload them to the new server.
  2. I'm pretty sure val will only use the main ip of the server
  3. i tryed to use the rust config and it says Task: Rust 25 slots owned by lynxwolf [ New Window ] [ Info ] Error - The file /home/tcagame/lynxwolf/2/rustserver.sh does not exist
  4. I did a squad config from scratch and its not showing up in the create a service game list. this is the config im using SQ - Linux.xml
  5. is there any updated scripts?
  6. I'm using https://github.com/AndrewTechVt/TCAdmin-Game-Configs It sucks server won't boot up at all I figured out that tcadmin don't like wildcards for log files
  7. The log file 'Squad/Saved/Logs/*.log' does not exist. getting this error when i click the web console the log is in the directory
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