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  1. I did but I found the issue. I was doing everything manually before hand; I found I had to create a "csgo" folder under "Games" folder and copy all of the server files to it. The game now shows up under create server list.
  2. amperages

    Running (pid 0)

    Hey All, This issue seems to be happening to my minecraft services. If I edit the command line for the server to use more than 1024 MB of RAM, the server fails to start and gives Running PID 0. When I try to run it manually, I get the following: The host server has enough memory available and a total of 16GB and I'm not quite sure why this is happening.
  3. Cobby, I've downloaded all the files using my account that has Beta access and what not and now I'm trying the actual TCAdmin path. I've downloaded your config for the Windows version and everything seems correct, even the "Show in create list" is checked, yet when I go to create the actual server, the game is not listed. Any ideas what may be causing this, more than likely config-wise I would assume? Thanks!
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