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Everything posted by MrFreeze4U

  1. Click on "more" next to Start Then press "Repair" Repair this service's file system permissions and game account.
  2. Change Log: Web console - Updated Workshop Mod installer: Steam Workshop Steam Workshop (installed) Steam Workshop (updates) ^^ Updated ^^ Removed BEC for now. Was getting issues none stop, Will look for a new way around for it but for now all it working. Scripts - When installing workshop mod it automatically put's the keys in the folder. Automatically put's the mod name in command line. How to install with the new one - System - Settings - Games & Other Voice Servers - Import Upload "dayzsav3 - Windows.xml" then add your steam account within "Steam Settings" Then you are done.
  3. The workshop ID for DayZ has changed. If you already have it installed go to the admin settings within tcadmin Game & Other Voice Servers - DayZ V2 beta - Steam Settings - Store ID (for Steam API) - 221100 I'm working on V3 that will fix most errors.
  4. Don't forget you need a steam account with DayZ on it for it to download the mods. You can find that info within the admin settings of TCAdmin.
  5. Sorry been a while since I been here. I have updated BEC on the github removing all old GUID's from admin and whitelist I forgot that was there. You can get the new files or update them yourself. Admins.xml , WhiteList.txt
  6. Still working on that. You will need to install them manually.
  7. Hello sorry for late reply you need to install DayZ game files. System - Settings - Game Tools Steam game downloader, DayZ SA Make sure you have an steam account within the settings.
  8. Odd, Let me fix that ASAP. Thanks for letting me know. I just downloaded the one I done and didnt get any issues about trojans etc.
  9. Yeah, I got that error as well just disable windows defender and you will be fine. It's becuase the files within BEC has scripts that automatic run on the dayz server but it's normal. If you dont trust me you can download the official link here but I can assure you that it's 100% safe.
  10. If you come across any issues post them here and I will get back to you as fast as I can.
  11. View File DayZ SA Config | BEC NEEDED | Works with Mods Hello All, This is a edited verison of DayZ SA Config working with mods. You will only need BEC for it to work. ( BattlEye Extended Controls) Within the Game Config, 1: BEC (BattlEye-Extended-Controls Must install manually) 2: Backup and Restore 3: Mod Comand Line 4: Public Folder MUST DOWNLOAD Download BEC from my github you don't need to remove anything it's already been done for you. If you dont want to install my verison all you need to do is remove the config.cfg as this will be automaticly generated. https://github.com/FreezeWarfare/BattlEye-Extended-Controls After downloading BEC you need to place it within your battleye directory within (C:\TCAFiles\Games\dayz\battleye) Then go to "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" edit hosts file Add this,then save using notepad ++ or any code editer software. ibattle.org http://www.ibattle.org These steps MUST BE FOLLOWED for BEC to work. If you want players to join your modded DayZ server they must use https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home to install the mods automatically. Hope you all enjoy the script. Any issues msg me on the forums. Submitter MrFreeze4U Submitted 12/15/2020 Category Game Configs  
  12. Game config has been upload to TCAdmin just need to wait for it to be approved. Enjoy
  13. Update, I got it working with mods. Just doing some finishing edits and it's done.
  14. I'm already looking into this for my own stuff, If I get anything working i'll let you know.
  15. There is a way but I couldn't find it anyway, best of luck.
  16. Go to your TCadmin panel, Click on "Settings", Then "Global Game Scripts", Press "New", Operating System "Linux", Script Engine "Batch File/Shell Script", Event "After Created", Description "Anything you want" In the big white box copy and Past this below: ufw allow ${ThisService_GamePort}:${ThisService_GamePort}/tcp ufw allow ${ThisService_QueryPort}:${ThisService_QueryPort}/tcp ufw allow ${ThisService_RConPort}:${ThisService_RConPort}/tcp ufw allow ${ThisService_GamePort}:${ThisService_GamePort}/udp ufw allow ${ThisService_QueryPort}:${ThisService_QueryPort}/udp ufw allow ${ThisService_RConPort}:${ThisService_RConPort}/udp
  17. I think it only works for windows only.
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