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Everything posted by hz32

  1. I do not really know what i am doing wrong but i cannot get query to work, Game port and query is 8211, Do i need to change something else?
  2. Does anyone have a config with working query.
  3. Hi, I saw that Satisfavtory have released so you can setup servers for that game now Someone wants to share any configs?
  4. Hi, I think they have released the server files now for this game. So if someone wants to create a game config it would be great :D
  5. Hi, Does someone have a working Minecraft 1.17 config?
  6. It still does not work for me. I have updated it to latest version. I also put my steam account in steam settings in the config. Here is what it says in the console when trying to change through rust config. https://gyazo.com/ba70a840af1085e46b0e88aa7e444b78
  7. @DennisOkey i see. But we cannot join the server with staging branch version. It just says "Server update required" when trying to join the server.
  8. Hi, I do not know if it is just me but when trying to switch the branch i gets stuck on this. https://gyazo.com/f8a6fff0878e5b3c9211f163e90f0faa
  9. Hi, I am currently looking for a Red orchestra 2 config. Does someone have one?
  10. This error i get. https://prnt.sc/10xjtxq https://prnt.sc/10xjulo
  11. Hi, Thank you for the config. I do still get "could not start" error. What do i need to change in the configs to get it to start?
  12. Hi, I am currently looking for a Rising storm 2 vietnam template. I found this but when installing the server gets trough i try to start the server but i get "could not start" error i do not really why. So if someone has a working template i can get it would be much appreciated. Rising Storm 2 - Windows.xml
  13. Hi, Yeah it seems that it needs to be updated. Because i cannot start the server. Maybe somehing i am missing.
  14. Hi, Does someone have a complete rising strom 2 vietnamn config that i maybe can get?
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