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Everything posted by angellfall

  1. Ye no. Im happy to pay. I do think there should be abit more lenient lisencing choises as we are moving more and more into VPS servers and lisences by node do not really support this. Or then there is the investment of 5k. We pay for the support we get if things go sideways. And afaik the support is premium and fastly available when stuff happens. Also like was sair post earlier the options and features in tcadmin are way superior to other panels out there.
  2. Yes this was a function what would be very much needed. Currently upgrading a hardware can be quite time consuming task as you are required to click every server open and then set the move. Couple options for such function would be handly: - Option to move all services from one node to another. - Option to move selected services per set filters to selected node (filter might include game, node; ie. you could move only all minecraft servers from one node to another and leave CSGO servers alone. - Option to set selected node where to move based of, node selection, roundrobin, loadbalancing.
  3. angellfall


    @Alexr03does this support SRV records ie. for minecraft servers. If not this would be a SUPER great addition.
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