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Everything posted by Smolf

  1. do i need to download the config again ? entrylist.json is empty.
  2. ==ERR: Ignoring special assist rules for public Multiplayer now, can you please help ?:) configuration.json { "udpPort": 45000, "tcpPort": 45001, "maxConnections": 30+20, "lanDiscovery": 0, "registerToLobby": 1, "publicIP": 1, "configVersion": 1 }
  3. its working now, thank you so much...
  4. -homedir D:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\1384 -nosingle
  5. Create folder /saves? Thank you, i will try this..
  6. Hi. Get this error, i know, you need to upload "server_packages.ini" & "server_packages.dat" into the server, but still telling me error. export_server_packages, have upload to the server customer\bin\win_x64 *** ERROR *** : [MP] Error: Server packages file not found. This is required to load proper map, DLCs and mods. *** ERROR *** : [MP] Error: Use "export_server_packages" command in game to export server game settings. *** ERROR *** : [MP] Error: See server_readme.txt. *** ERROR *** : [MP] Error: Server was teminated. Got this, please help.
  7. Smolf


    thank you so much for the help. 5 stars help
  8. Smolf


    Error, cant start server..
  9. Smolf


    [2023.01.04-14.41.14:566][ 1]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Failed to initialize Steam, this could be due to a Steam server and client running on the same machine. Try running with -NOSTEAM on the cmdline to disable. Help`?
  10. I found out dont change valheim on steam to beta, just keep it default the game, then is works fine.
  11. Oh okay, but thank you so much anywhy for the help.
  12. When you update the server, says that you are updatering with this app_update 896660 -beta public-testing validate
  13. switching to public testing, and apply. Branch switched to public-testing. Please run the Steam Update to update the server. The script has executed successfully. You may close this window. After i press Steam update Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1669935972 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public... OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.02 (343512 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 7.58 (139250033 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 22.07 (405608633 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 32.01 (588126489 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 49.22 (904479473 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 66.74 (1226270001 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 84.18 (1546795793 / 1837471582) Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 99.33 (1825125166 / 1837471582) Success! App '896660' fully installed. @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 "@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1" @NoPromptForPassword ***** "@NoPromptForPassword ***** force_install_dir "" app_update 896660 -beta public-testing validate exit Redirecting stderr to '\Tools\SteamCmd\logs\stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation...
  14. Thank you for update. But i cant update the lastest. Valheim version:0.212.9 Say in console still Valheim version:0.212.7 locked* Im trying all the time to update, nothing happens.
  15. Hi. Can you not add -crossplay and mistlands, thank you so much Get a error after new update, please help Setting up 12 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 5bc4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3b44 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 2908 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 668c -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 6298 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5df4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 2c28 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5fb8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5d98 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 22f8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5a60 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 49ac -> priority: 1 12/15/2022 18:39:31: Steam manager on destroy
  16. I also got problems with update valheim server?:S We need also to add the new beta realease. mistlands.. Please help
  17. But i cant find server ingame, can you please help me?
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