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  1. So I have a user whos been on an old version of satisfactory, and wants to play on the updated one, I have installed the 1.0.1 version of the installer to my hosting box, they have swapped to the new version and installed it, but the consoles reporting failed to save game. Any ideas on what I need to do to get the game working for my user?
  2. the one posted in the forums works... i use it every day.
  3. Thankyou Jungles for sharing your working config you are a champion!!
  4. so what was the solutions, and is this the working install config for asa?
  5. can you help me understand this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY '1040vdow86'' at line 1
  6. I've been searching for this as well, cant seem to find it on the forums. Found it, just getting a weird error when trying to install it. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY '1040vdow86'' at line 1
  7. updated to these scripts now it works perfectly thankyou
  8. Need help with Conan Exiles modlist.txt issues. When ever I update a mod it removes it from its needed load order on the list and puts it down to the bottom, messing up my mod load order file.. is there anyway to stop this from happening?
  9. I had a user unable to start up their servers, they said they had been pressing the start button for a while. I checked the task manager and could see none of their servers running, did a reboot on the hosting box to flush the system. Now I am getting the following error Server Error in '/' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'TCAdmin.Web.MVC.MvcApplication'. Source Error: Source File: /global.asax Line: 1 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.3770.0 Anyone got any ideas how to correct this or what could have happened?
  10. I am not certain what is going on, but I took a barebones server placed it on another server, not a TCAdmin one, and used the same ports and it works. I do notice I am running the beta of TCAdmin and I wonder if something is going on. Maybe? I run a netstat -an and I see no ports being opened for this server. Something is very odd.
  11. I will look around some more and see but it is all pretty much open, well I sure it was.
  12. I will check the logs to see if the services are running, I am able to connect via the lan but will check Here are my rules I added for a Virtual Server in my router. Local Server firewall, which is off but I added the rule anyways was any any (so anything can talk to it) [2021-08-03 13:46:19] Log session started [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] SetSteamID( [A:1:0:0] ) [2021-08-03 13:46:19] CCMInterface::OnNetworkDeviceStateChange -- Saw device up, connecting to Steam [2021-08-03 13:46:19] CCMInterface::OnNetworkDeviceStateChange -- Saw device up, connecting to Steam [2021-08-03 13:46:19] CCMInterface::OnNetworkDeviceStateChange -- Saw device up, connecting to Steam [2021-08-03 13:46:19] CCMInterface::OnNetworkDeviceStateChange -- Saw device up, connecting to Steam [2021-08-03 13:46:19] CCMInterface::OnNetworkDeviceStateChange -- Saw device up, connecting to Steam [2021-08-03 13:46:19] CCMInterface::OnNetworkDeviceStateChange -- Saw device up, connecting to Steam [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] Server says 50% of connections should be websockets, we rolled 36 - using WebSockets as default. [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm1-ord1.cm.steampowered.com:27037) starting... [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm2-ord1.cm.steampowered.com:27031) starting... [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm6-lax1.cm.steampowered.com:27034) starting... [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm6-lax1.cm.steampowered.com:27037) starting... [2021-08-03 13:46:19] IPv6 HTTP connectivity test (ipv6check-http.steamcontent.com / ( - TIMEOUT [2021-08-03 13:46:19] IPv6 UDP connectivity test (ipv6check-udp.steamcontent.com) - FAILED, no addresses resolved [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm1-ord1.cm.steampowered.com:27037) results: 40.8173ms + load 23.0000 [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() stopping early for good host (cm1-ord1.cm.steampowered.com:27037) [2021-08-03 13:46:19] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm2-ord1.cm.steampowered.com:27031) results: 40.1261ms + load 24.0000 [2021-08-03 13:46:20] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm6-lax1.cm.steampowered.com:27037) results: 96.2239ms + load 17.0000 [2021-08-03 13:46:20] [0,0] PingWebSocketCM() (cm6-lax1.cm.steampowered.com:27034) results: 95.5517ms + load 15.0000 [2021-08-03 13:46:20] [1,3] Connect() starting connection (eNetQOSLevelMedium, cm1-ord1.cm.steampowered.com:27037, WebSocket) [2021-08-03 13:46:20] [1,3] ConnectionCompleted() (, WebSocket) [2021-08-03 13:46:20] [1,3] RecvMsgClientLogOnResponse() : [A:1:3639195649:18130] 'OK' [2021-08-03 13:09:40] Loaded store 'install' from 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\config.vdf' successfully [2021-08-03 13:09:41] Failed to read store 'userlocal' from 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\localconfig.vdf.tmp' [2021-08-03 13:09:42] Flushed store 'install' to 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\config.vdf' [2021-08-03 13:19:46] Loaded store 'install' from 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\config.vdf' successfully [2021-08-03 13:19:47] Failed to read store 'userlocal' from 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\localconfig.vdf.tmp' [2021-08-03 13:19:48] Flushed store 'install' to 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\config.vdf' [2021-08-03 13:46:19] Loaded store 'install' from 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\config.vdf' successfully [2021-08-03 13:46:20] Flushed store 'install' to 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\config.vdf' [2021-08-03 13:46:20] Failed to read store 'userlocal' from 'E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\config\localconfig.vdf.tmp' [2021-08-03 13:46:19] Loaded 1 apps from install folder "E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\steamapps\appmanifest_*.acf". [2021-07-24 10:50:55] [AppID 892970] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no stats found, aborting [2021-08-03 12:33:03] [AppID 892970] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no stats found, aborting
  13. https://geekstrom.de/valheim/check/ Is what I was using to stop nagging my one friend. I have also tried looking at it my phone tethered to rule out my home network is not stealing the connection and routing back to myself instead of using a true external connection. Oh and I put my friends valheim server he has working through AMP, it comes up as working.
  14. Yes I do, I added all three ports seperatly to my router. 5678,5679 and 5680 I have the ports in the config And my startup command is valheim_server.exe -nographics -batchmode -port 5678 -name "Misfit Gamers - Amped" -world "Dedicated" -password "***" -public 1 -savedir E:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\10\ And my windows firewall is off but I still added the line in the firewall for Any Any connection for the exe I have about 20 other game servers running without an issue through TCAdmin, so I am little confused why it is not allowing external access.
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