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Everything posted by DevilzEye1

  1. Thats the thing, I don't know what is wrong with the script, it's trying to use root now, and not the user/pass I put in the variable per the instructions
  2. The one from the link in my initial post from the TCAdmin wiki that the 2nd poster put up
  3. I deleted the server and recreated it thinking the script would run properly in doing so and now I get this: Log Details Creating a ARK:SE server for public on server Master Selected ip and port 7797 Building the command line Searching for a file source Copying directory ark Writing the configuration files Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) I followed the instructions and updated the variables to include the proper credentials, but it's still attempting to use root instead of the user I set up for it, which is tcadmin_root Edit: it's for a small community I run, not commercial, but at least now it's not trying to use my webhost MySQL creds... Then again, the instructions don't say what to do with "variable options" section so I left them untouched, and the preserve value is only available on the "game variable" and not on the "global variable" side
  4. No I don't, I'll have to do that when I get off work today, thank you, was wondering if I was missing something lol
  5. Was wondering if anyone has made a config for Interstellar Rift? The default server files use powershell to execute the server binary, can TCAdmin do this? If so, I'll attempt to make one, and upload the config when done, unless someone already did
  6. ok noob here, just got the TCAdmin pro license (purchase) a couple weeks ago and i've always used the ARK Server Manager to run it, but since i got this, i wanted to integrate it (as a FRESH install) however i've never used a cluster, and never used a MySQL database. i downloaded the config, imported it as update and overwrite per instructions. my TCAdmin panel is PRO version and i ran the steam update. however when trying to start, i get this error: Access denied for user 'USER_OMITTED'@'x.x.x.x' (using password: YES) it appears as my SQL database password to my TCAdmin installation, which runs on my webhost server, and not the Master server. I followed the instruction on the link in the 2nd post at the TCAdmin wiki for the SQL scripts as Global Scripts, and created the global variables as per the instructions (also created them as Game variables as well just in case and updated the game services). The SQL database the global scripts create is on the Master Server (not accessible to outside world, but is via LOCALHOST). yet it still trying to access via the install credentials (and likely the install database). ideas? or am i just doing it wrong? searching turned up nothing, tried that first...
  7. On my TCAdmin, it keeps giving me a startError, and can't see that it is in fact, running... Using the config from this thread.
  8. I'm actually interested in this too, as i host one for my community, will watch the topic
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