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Everything posted by ryandev00

  1. Yes. I don't think you are quite following what I am saying. The extra connections would allow for maximum utilization of the speed of the up/downlink. Have you ever used a download manager and downloaded with multiple connections? It's the same concept. More connections = better speed. This is incredibly imperative for external downloads in the multiple gig size.
  2. For mods/updates an option to set the number of connections a download task can do would speed up downloads.
  3. What you provided link to is in-depth server monitoring which is not at all what I am talking about.
  4. I've found this to be true, changing in the database works perfectly well.
  5. Well if you have one or two servers, sure, it's fine. But if you have 100 servers it's a huge bottleneck and loads extremely slowly.
  6. The widget is annoying to add for every new server especially for large amounts of remotes.
  7. I would love to see the number of services on each server from the Servers page. Some suggested columns are: Game Services # Max Game Services # Other features that would be nice: CPU Usage Ram Usage HDD Usage
  8. This issue was fixed by updating the central TC Admin server via TC Admin. I had only upgraded via command line before that. Command line updating does not update the database.
  9. I get this error when I try to add or modify a script within a mod in mod manager.
  10. Any update this? It's a confirmed bug. I think it's also pretty important as a bunch of people need sub-users to control their services
  11. No it does not - it's actually an IP from the same data center we are in on the server on Hmm.
  12. Hate to bump an old thread but I hate when people have a problem and fix it and don't tell others how they fixed it. What exactly did you do to fix this issue? Been having this issue lately and can't seem to figure out a solution.
  13. Been having some issues on and off with some servers going to status "Unknown" randomly. I looked in the TCAdmin monitor and this problem happens right after I get this error in the TCAdmin monitor console: Any idea?
  14. On the "Create a Sub User" page, tab "Game/Voice Service Permissions" there are a bunch of check boxes which should allow a sub user to control these things. I have all of them checked. When I log into the sub user account, all I see is the "Activity Monitor"
  15. I have a custom script which calls the application.bat which launches a custom application which runs as a console. It is set to Before Started in TCAdmin. The thing is, when I start the game service, it starts the application.bat (which launches the console application) and waits for it to close before running the game service. This cannot work because it prevents the game service from running at all since the console does not close, it continues to run. How can I get the custom script to run either after the game service is launched or before without waiting to close?
  16. I added the game files to TCAFiles/game (copied from the other server) and went to create a game service for that game. I get this error: Any idea?
  17. Could this be related at all to the fact that I purchased the license through a server company? I am with Ubiquity servers.. they are reluctant to help me. Also, I tried installing on my home computer and got the config menu (http://i.imgur.com/ELQKT.png) but did not when setting up on the server. Assuming my host entered the license/etc for me and I have no control whether or not the setup was successful or not..
  18. Hi! When I click on "Check for updates" or "About" I get the following error: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. Tried searching around and I don't see any help about this error in the forum... Thanks!
  19. This can be closed. I requested my parent host to move me over to tcadmin 2. Thanks for the help.
  20. Can I send you my server IP so you can look into this?
  21. Can't even access the control panel, login or anything when it's timing out. The entire admin panel doesn't load at all.
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