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Everything posted by ryandev00

  1. Monitor on 8888 IIS Web Panel on 80 That's how it's been from the start.
  2. Seems to be pretty inconsistent. The web panel will work for a little bit and then just stop working randomly and won't work again after that.
  3. This temporarily fixes it.. (sometimes) 1/ Stop monitor service from Services 2/ Start monitor in console mode 3/ Exit out of console mode 4/ Start monitor in console mode 5/ Voila, web panel works!
  4. When restarting my server, I understand that the TCAdmin monitor will start automatically and everything should work correctly. I have not had any success getting the TCAdmin web panel to load at all while the monitor is started after restarting. I have to go into Services -> TCAdmin Monitor-> click Stop in order for the TCAdmin web panel to load. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
  5. Everyone setting up a DayZ server on Windows Server should follow this guide: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/ You have to whitelist your IP before connecting using the web request form
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