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  1. A quick question I have got McMyAdmin running threw tcadmin some what... the only issue i am having is that when you try to start the mcmyadmin threw tcadmin I see that it tries to start the exe it shows it starting in the processes but it starts then shuts off , starts again shuts off about 5 times then finally times out. the only way currently its for me to manually start the mcmyadmin on my dedi box first then its runs fine has anyone figured out how to make this work with tcadmin correctly?
  2. Hello quick question I stepped away for a short time and my license key was terminated for non payment Today I purchased a new key and would like to know if anyone could explain to me how to change my tcadmin to work with new key Id appreciate the help Thank you
  3. could you post your bigbrother config xml as it would be useful as I am looking for it thanx in advance
  4. thank you very much I will be sure to try this config in the next couple days.
  5. Community members I have spent 3 days now scouring this forum in search of a working Cod WaW config but ive yet to find one. this will be windows based. I have used every config i have found but its always the same end result i can NOT get the server to querri I have read and tried all suggestions from these forums but still unable to get the server to read and querri any help would be so great Thanx in advance
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