I was wondering if anyone had a problem with the mass update function regarding to the SteamCMD and/or CS:GO.
If I try to mass update a server, with the right updates selected, it directly completes so fast that I did not believe it updated.
After I restart the game server and trying to connect it kept saying out of date.
However if I manually update then everything is OK.
To make updates available, since SteamCMD only allows 1 login at the same time, I use the following way to update the servers that needs SteamCMD:
After creating an update, which takes a few minutes I do the following for mass update:
It directly completes, but nothing is updated.
If I do it manually by going to the game server, selecting "Updates" (Not steam update as this would invoke SteamCMD) and select the latest, it goes flaweless.
However once I have hundreds of these game servers running, I'd rather not want to update them one by one
Anyone have the same issue or had the same issue? And is there a solution to this?