So, after my last post of having no success with CentOS 7. I switched over to Ubuntu 12.04. There was a few bugs to work out with the TCadmin Template for Gmod but I'm still getting errors when I try to update a server.
From what I have been reading it is due to a permissions issue. Even if I try to 777 all the TCadmin directories (I know I shouldn't but I just want it to work) Tcadmin defaults back to the standard permissions. Any ideas?
Initializing Steam...
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API.../home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (2990) : Assertion Failed: CApplicationManager::GetMountVolume: invalid index
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (2990) : Assertion Failed: CApplicationManager::GetMountVolume: invalid index
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (3118) : Assertion Failed: m_vecInstallBaseFolders.Count() > 0
[1m@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
[0m"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"
[0m[1m@NoPromptForPassword *****
[0m"@NoPromptForPassword *****
[0m[1mlogin anonymous
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for license info...OK
[1mforce_install_dir ""
[0m/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (3118) : Assertion Failed: m_vecInstallBaseFolders.Count() > 0
[1mapp_update 4020 validate
[0m/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (937) : Assertion Failed: Failed to write app state file 95dc1092d96c4c739cd0e2f24c3308c32147879a/appmanifest_4020.acf
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (937) : Assertion Failed: Failed to write app state file 95dc1092d96c4c739cd0e2f24c3308c32147879a/appmanifest_4020.acf
Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Error! App '4020' state is 0x1 after update job.
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/configstore.cpp (1295) : Assertion Failed: Saving local config store failed during shutdown
The process has completed.
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/configstore.cpp (101) : Assertion Failed: ConfigStore (InstallConfigStore) is dirty, and being destroyed, we're discarding data