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  1. Hello I would like to know if anyone has a configuration file for Life is fuedal. Thank you for your help.
  2. I did a clean reinstall of the game is returned to you thank you
  3. I have this error when I run the command manually c: \ TCAFiles \ Users> runas / user: TCAGame cmd.exe Enter the password TCAGame: Attempting to start cmd.exe as user "xxxxxx \ TCAGame" ... RUNAS error: Unable to run - cmd.exe 1385: Failed opening session: the user does not have the type o pening requested session on this computer.
  4. Did you do anything in particular because I get (pid 0)
  5. Hi I wanted to know if anyone has successfully run on windows server 2012 insurgency because for me it does not start with tca v2
  6. I have this error when I run the command manually c: \ TCAFiles \ Users> runas / user: TCAGame cmd.exe Enter the password TCAGame: Attempting to start cmd.exe as user "xxxxxx \ TCAGame" ... RUNAS error: Unable to run - cmd.exe 1385: Failed opening session: the user does not have the type o pening requested session on this computer. windows server 2012 Intel Xeon E5-1620 64go ram
  7. Hello since the last update of this game will not run (pid0) Someone you have a solution? thanks for help
  8. here is my command line runas /user:TCAGame cmd.exe Password:xxxxx cd /d C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\69\AAPG\Binaries\Win32\ AAGame.exe server FLO_Bridge_EX /GLOBAL /AuthServerUserName=xxxxxx/AuthServerPassword=xxxxx /AuthServerIP=xxxxxxx /STEAMSERVERIP=xxxxxxxx MULTIHOME=xxxx /NOHOMEDIR
  9. hi since the last update puts impossible to run the game with tcadmin someone could help me?
  10. hello anyone have game config file for America's Army: Proving Grounds thank you
  11. I removed the spaces but nothing works
  12. Hello I added this line (netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ID:%ThisService_ServiceId% USER:%ThisUser_UserName% GAME:%ThisGame_ShortName% IP/PORT:%ThisService_ConnectionInfo% TCP" dir=in action=allow program="C:\TCAFiles\Users\%ThisUser_UserName%\%ThisService_ServiceId%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" localport="%ThisService_GamePort%,%ThisService_RConPort%,%ThisService_CustomPort1%,%ThisService_CustomPort2%,%ThisService_CustomPort3%,%ThisService_CustomPort4%,%ThisService_CustomPort5%" protocol=TCP) but the ports still does not
  13. thank you but I think there are errors in the first script because the ports are not open
  14. hello to the creation of a minecraft server the port does not open automatically how. (os: windows server 2012)
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