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  1. Obviously TCAdmin "v2" was created because Linux is a far better OS choice for running gameservers... hands down beats windows across the board.
  2. I'm running over 250 servers on a single master using less than 500MB ram on the master VPS, and each box uses.... around 100-300MB ram over-all to run tcadmin... very little resources.
  3. Why would you need 2 master servers? I get the reason for a backup.. but just config tcadmin to make a nightly backup of your SQL.. if you ever have any issues you can get a VPS up and running with your master in a matter of minutes. What I did with my server box (web hosting) was made a backup of the VPS it's self (running SolusVM). I do this daily and delete backups every 3rd day, so I keep 2 days of redundant VPS backups, and I still have tcadmin running the SQL backup to an off-server backup location.
  4. Here... Just create a directory in the games folder named sm-linux, wget and unzip the files in that folder... (these are the newest game files.. http://files.maniaplanet.com/ManiaPlanet2Beta/ManiaPlanetBetaServer_2013-05-16.zip ) And use this.... courtesy of IGLDamien @ http://PlayIGL.com - Elevate your game ShootMania - Linux.xml
  5. webb.damien .... thanks alot man really appreciate it =)
  6. I added you over a week ago Brad but you never responded to the request.... I'd love to get this working.
  7. What i want to do is move my servers to a new master. How would I be able to do this without having to re-setup my servers on the new master?
  8. fixed... plz delete
  9. yea... just use SSH via filezilla... the way I did it.. Just stop all the servers, copy the files out ...aka move them one directory (root directory) and just delete the un-used/empty orangebox folder simple, update... blam works
  10. Literally just fixed this issue myself... If you had DOWNLOADED the game using HLDS then you need to change the Relative Executible to srcds.exe / srcds_run in the TF2 Files & Directories tab... Update existing Services... THEN... Delete the entire folder/files for your... /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/tf2-linux (or windows... whichever you use...) Re-download them by using ./download_tf2-linux.sh Now.. all updates will goto the ROOT directory (steamCMD doesn't use ORANGEBOX folder anymore... HLDS did..) Enjoy mass copy/pasting users custom files =( It sucks... lol
  11. How would one get just a simple logo above the login screen..?
  12. I changed it to that and it still gives me the error of Directory '/home/tcagame/dwebb/1/tf' not found. do I have to re-install the server?
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