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Claed last won the day on April 3 2022

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  1. Hello, I am having an issue running this. 06:32:19.7560 [INFO] Initializer: Generating minidump at WORLD\Minidump.dmp 06:32:19.7560 [ERROR] Initializer: Keen broke the minidump, sorry. 06:32:19.7560 [INFO] Keen: Remote API unable to start. Run dedicated server in administrator mode or use AllowRemoteHt tp.bat file. Also check nothing else is running on port 8080. How would I run this game in administrator mode? Or am I doing something wrong? I made no changes to the file
  2. Thanks! I got everything working with CS:S and the IPs also.. Had no clue it was Valheim
  3. Wow, so then I need to test on a different game.. Thanks y'all, i'll be giving that a go, had no clue Valheim only used Master IP.. Good to know knowledge, 1up! Is there a list of games that only use primary IP anywhere I can view? TIA
  4. That setting is not checked.. Valheim is the game i'm running test with.. Have made sure only main ip was unchecked and restarted both monitor then server.. Also deleted old install and reinstalled incase the update game servers thing wasn't working
  5. Hey everyone, I have Imported my extra IP I added and it grabs and my 2 IPs(Server main and the test I added to the OS). When I launch a game server using my second IP that was added in Advanced Settings for windows, it only launches the game on the original server IP. It shows the second IP as being the connection, but only the servers main IP can connect to it. Side note, when I try to RDP using the second added IP to the windows server, it connected to main IP (Not the second one I used).. I assume this issue is actually related to my router. Anyone have any idea what this is? Import IPs seems to work fine.. Sorry i'm network noob.
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