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  1. and it depents on the addons you want to run most addons for arma 2 and 3 are not compatible on linux like dayz epoch.
  2. see this tread please. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11942 please fix this tcadmin!
  3. help! on one of my servers boxes all services on it are started whit out a command line! is it a bug? Server whit this runs on windows server 2012 all others on windows server 2008 its happends since last update!
  4. Dear Developers.. i dont know if there is al ready a topic for it but i will ask it here is there a way to run seccond apps from tcadmin2? but if i try it from bat files.. services started multiple times or getting pid 0 or just an start error i need some feature like this to run stracker ( for asseco corsa ) xaseco ( for tm1) xaseco 2 ( for tm2 ) manu admin ( for cod 4 ) i do realy need this feature or is there an other way to run it propperly Thx in advance
  5. heey guys i am looking for Natural Selection 2 Config! can some one share it for me please
  6. ty .. problem solved some how /Games/gamename/TCA.Mods/mod.zip Games is added in the path and the game servers it selfs are directly from the root directory and that works solution Server files in /gamename.rar mod files in /Games/gamename/TCA.Mods/mod.zip
  7. problem solved thank you verry much
  8. ik get a error like this Error - 550 The system cannot find the file specified. when installing a mod i use a file server game server is installed from file server but for mods the error file is placed on the fileserver like this /gamename.rar and the mod ( that wont install ) /gamename/TCA.Mods/mod.zip
  9. i did i keep the same problem.. it seems he dont download the file
  10. webupdate fails trying to update manuel ./updatetool error /home/tcadmin/Temp/Upgrade.rar is not RAR archive
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