Uhm.. you mean password in GameUserSettings.ini > ServerPassword right
if right yeah in that config have password
Oh... I see something
I Try to select Public then it not shutdown after save
if I select private it shutdown after save
What that mean Private, Public ?
if It means service have Password must select Private or you not have Password you must select Public is that correct ?
It show only this message. no one change setting private to public but it alway alert this message when auto save active in ARK
Stop SYSTEM Monitoring (service changed from private to public)
I trying change to 30mins it crash.
Some server it not crash, It running normal if first time save world not crash
I must have to create new Game Services to fixed crash and I have to check server crash or not in first save if not server will run normaly.
I have problem running server.
when server auto save server always crash
I have to run server again, I'm trying to Reinstall but won't work
How can I fix this.