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Everything posted by Syndrogo

  1. Lemon do you have support for linux??
  2. Anyone got a working linux one?? The one from the older folder isnt working
  3. Really i just use Arkservers.net
  4. You put the commands in the config
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594820656471833280/
  6. Cant wait Later Upcoming Patch Notes: ETA June 17-18 - Linux Dedicated Server!
  7. Sorry i meant. New problem I have seen. When running the steam updater it wont download the new patch.
  8. New problem I have seen. When running the server updater it would pull the new patch.
  9. comes to find out i was missing a few files. I manual started the servers and found what i needed.
  10. do you need it for the server??
  11. http://i60.tinypic.com/153bodx.png zona-gamer i used you xml and still no dice.
  12. Ive used this one and still no dice
  13. This is what im using but im having problems. Server is still not responding.
  14. Dennis its what the xml is default set to Also im not able to see my server in the browser. I'm also getting Status: Running (pid 0)
  15. can you do the same with the mods?
  16. Hey man, messing around in the server config and i got a few questions. - How do you add the mods? - How do you add the admins? - Lastly how do we know its running the 64bit version and not 32?
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