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Everything posted by V4Ghost

  1. hmmm , i gonna check but Virtual Servers u need liit resources and other things...
  2. Hello good evening, I wanted to know if it is possible to assign a dedicated IP to a "Reseller", since the only way I found was by making a "Virtual Server"
  3. System.Exception: ACCESS DENIED. IP: removed. Included Account Info: False at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Any have this error ?
  4. Hello i have this error: http://vvcap.net/db/yMkBBKqvgoQ8uzUQRhll.htp Spanish: Buenas noches tengo un error en el panel cuando inicia http://vvcap.net/db/yMkBBKqvgoQ8uzUQRhll.htp
  5. V4Ghost

    FTP Issues

    Spanish: Tengo Exactamente el mismo error. Cuando editas un archivo tambien. Error: Critical file transfer error Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Desktop\tf2\#6\addons\sourcemod\configs\a dvertisements.txt Response: 550 The system cannot find the file specified. Command: CWD / Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: MKD addons Response: 550 The system cannot find the file specified. Command: MKD / Response: 550 The system cannot find the file specified.
  6. Hello , In Can Help You! , I have this Server Config: Intel CoreI7 - 3770k 16 GB DDR3 1 TB WD SATA 100mbit uplink. Ex: You can lift with 1000 Stable games using SetClockTimer That allows you to take it to 1000 fps! , But beware that you will have much more use ... Quie Because 80% of the games do not consume much ram but more cores and in this case these forcing all ... I could get up on this computer servers 90 Counter Strike 1.6 1000 FPS And I'm the consumer ceiling.
  7. Hi, I was thinking of asking them to create a section for Languages***8203;***8203;: Ex: Spanish Portugues Among others. Spanish: Hola , estaba pensando en pedirles que creen una seccion para Idiomas : Ej: Espa?ol Portugues Entre otros.
  8. I can not I get the same error,
  9. Hola , buenas tardes tengo un error con el update del panel
  10. Hello, good afternoon. - I was thinking of giving more control to the client in HLTV servers, for example CHOOSE connect the server, and would be good on the web console to run commands demo so you can record and lower tournaments DIRECT demos without editing problems etc etc. - Spanish: Hola, buenas tardes. - Estaba pensando en dar m?s control al cliente en servidores HLTV, por ejemplo, Elejir donde se conecte el servidor, y ser?a bueno que esta la consola Web para ejecutar comandos como RECORD , RETRY , ETC para que pueda grabar demos y torneos asi descargarlos sin problemas de edici?n, etc, etc -
  11. Oh Perfecto Gracias! , Igualmente agrego aca para no abrir otro post , Cuando borro un usuario que tiene sub users el sub user no lo borra.- No figura en la lista de usuarios.- Pero si figura como sub user en el usuario principal.- Y cuando quiero crear el user de nuevo me dice que existe y lo deja ingresar al panel.- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh Perfect Thanks! , Also added here not to open another post, When I delete a user who has sub sub users does not delete user. - Not on the list of users. - But if user listed as sub in the primary user. - And when I create the user again tells me there and lets it enter the panel. -
  12. Hello Good evening, I'm Argentine and use a translator, wanted to know if the accounts can be assigned resellers IPS, I mean to sell only 1 ip. And it is not possible to know if you wanted to be added to the next update? Spanish: Hola buenas noches, soy argentino y uso traductor, queria saber si a las cuentas revendedoras se les puede asignar IPS , osea para que vendan de 1 sola ip. Y sino no es posible queria saber si lo pueden agregar para la proxima actualizacion?
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