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Everything posted by SimpleServer

  1. Anything special to be done for the Query to work? it just stays 0/0
  2. Does the Query still work? Mine is not working.
  3. Anyone find a fix for downloading the latest stable version? Everytime I install a new server it downloads Version: V 1.2 (b25) instead of the V1.1 stable.
  4. I moved the .dll files as mention from jungleNZ and that fixed all my issues.
  5. Windows Server 2022 Tried to make a Game Config File for the new game Soulmask but i keep getting this Missing API error that i think is shutting down and causing it to crash. I did everything i could find from google with making sure the API_ID txt file is in the correct location, added the API steam number to the game config, installed putty on my server for telnet stuff.... i have tried multiple query protocols to see if that helped... im just not sure what else to try? LogInit: Using libcurl 7.55.1-DEV LogInit: - built for x86_64-pc-win32 LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1 LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.3 LogInit: - other features: LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LIBZ LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6 LogInit: CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IDN LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line): LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536 LogSteamShared: Display: Loading Steam SDK 1.51 LogSteamShared: Steam SDK Loaded! LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: steam LogSteamShared: Warning: Steam Dedicated Server API failed to initialize. LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Game Server API initialized 0 LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Failed to initialize Steam, this could be due to a Steam server and client running on the same machine. Try running with -NOSTEAM on the cmdline to disable. LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown() LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(0, 128) LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit) LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize! LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown() LogOnline: OSS: Unable to create OnlineSubsystem module steam LogGenericPlatformMisc: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(0) LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: GenericPlatform RequestExit; note: exit was already requested) LogOnline: Warning: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: LoadSubsystemModule([NULL]) failed LogOnline: OSS: Failed to load any Online Subsystem Modules LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: steam LogSteamShared: Warning: Steam Dedicated Server API failed to initialize. LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Game Server API initialized 0 LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Failed to initialize Steam, this could be due to a Steam server and client running on the same machine. Try running with -NOSTEAM on the cmdline to disable. LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown() LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(0, 128) LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit; note: exit was already requested) LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize! LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown() LogFSR: FSR Spatial Upscaling Module Started LogDLSSBlueprint: Loaded DLSS-SR plugin version 3.5.2a LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: FNGXVulkanRHIPreInitModule::StartupModule Enter LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: This UE instance does not render; skipping of pregistering the required NGX DLSS Vulkan device and instance extensions via the VulkanRHIBridge LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: FNGXVulkanRHIPreInitModule::StartupModule Leave LogInit: Build: ++UE4+Release-4.27-CL-0 LogInit: Engine Version: 4.27.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.27 LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.27.0-0+++UE4+Release-4.27 LogInit: Net CL: 0 LogInit: OS: Windows Server 2019 (Release 2009) (), CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6154 CPU @ 3.00GHz, GPU: GenericGPUBrand LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): May 26 2024 11:02:05 LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.39.33523.00 LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping LogInit: Branch Name: ++UE4+Release-4.27 LogInit: Command Line: -NOSTEAM -SteamServerName="TroubleChute's Server" -MaxPlayers=50 -PSW="securepassword" -adminpsw="12345" LogInit: Base Directory: D:/TCAFiles/Users/Admin/50/WS/Binaries/Win64/ LogInit: Allocator: binned2 LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 0 LogInit: Presizing for max 2097152 objects, including 1 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool. LogStreaming: Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: false, Async Post Load: false LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
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