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  1. Hello When I create a server for a user. In the files manager and FTP only see the folder and in the folder there is no file (bsp, wad, wav, so, ) to see why you can help someone?
  2. hgt


    Hello I have a problem with cs:go servers have 9 server and did a new server and it does not work WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: unable to bind socket All servers have other ports wass problem that is? OS: Linux Centos
  3. Befor I TcAdmin updates have made the Web Console is gone in each server cs.css, csgo, etc.. Who do I create a new server is no longer a Web Console server no matter who cs, css, csgo, cod, etc. .. always get the same error (The log file `cstrike/qconsole.log` does not existe.) (The log file `csgo/console.log` does not existe.) etc etc.... It can not be the fault of my leagues, the problem is then I did TcAdmin updates. :confused:
  4. Hello all server online but if you go on Web cosole then comes the error (The log file `cstrike/qconsole.log` does not existe.)
  5. Hello I have a problem in CS 1.6 server is no longer the Web Console always get a ails (The log file `cstrike / qconsole.log` does not existe.) Monitor Version: Web Version: OS: Linux Help? Thank you:confused:
  6. hgt

    :confused: Help!!

    Have server restarts but nothing happens!! /home/tcadmin/Monitor/serviceman-service restart /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart
  7. hgt

    :confused: Help!!

    :confused: Hello I have a problem please see my TcAdmin prints. I can not make server etc. .. :( Broblem solved
  8. Hello TcAdmin makes no update in csgo Linux server why? Who am I doing Stem Update >> ServiceId xxx - Stopping xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: 27016 ... ServiceId xxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxx: 27016 has been stopped. Initializing Steam ... ServiceId xxx - Starting xxxxxxxxxxx: 27016 ... ServiceId xxx - xxxxxxxxxxx: 27016 has been started. v1.21.2.0 new server version is v1.21.5.3
  9. Status: Running (pid 0) Hi I have pasted but it comt always the same error? in the console bekome I said: begin $init ----- FS_Startup ----- Current language: english Current search path: ./main/iw_05.iwd (716 files) .//main .//main_shared .//players ./main/localized_english_iw05.iwd (1338 files) localized assets iwd file for english File Handles: ---------------------- 2054 files in iwd files Sys_Error: Error during initialization: Couldn't load fileSysCheck.cfg. Make sure Call of Duty is run from the correct folder. cod4-linux.xml? downland PLZ?? :p
  10. hi i have a problem cod4 server run in linux Status: Running (pid 0) +set fs_savepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec server.cfg +map_rotate ??????:confused: File Handles: ---------------------- 2054 files in iwd files Sys_Error: Error during initialization: Couldn't load fileSysCheck.cfg. Make sure Call of Duty is run from the correct folder.
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