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  1. Hi guys I have a problem, Conan boots fine and tcadmin puts the conansandboxserver.exe in the windows firewall like normal however the server does not appear in the in-game browser and can not be direct connected. If i disable the windows firewall it appears in the browser and can be direct connected. Is there something I am missing that is stopping this game from working when every other is working? Cheers.
  2. Hi Everyone, Does anyone have a working template for Don't Starve Together they are able to share or that I can purchase that is setup to allow multiple instances of the game running on the one machine? Cheers
  3. If it were possible to add a scheduled task to those restart options aswell it would be good
  4. Yeh all those settings have been changed. Any other ideas?
  5. Hello, I have a client who's CSS was working fine then all of a sudden all files inside the Configuration Files section went missing. You can access the likes of server.cfg from the FTP but the file is not showing up in the configuration file section. I can view the files from my admin cp but when i log with his username i can not see it. Any idea why this is and how i can fix it?
  6. Hi, I am new to windows server, i have been using linux for quite a while and have had minimal problems but now that i have decided to move to windows for the larger game list i have had nothing but trouble. I removed all original windows configs from my control panel(master server runs linux) and from the tcafiles folder. The only files that have been left are my linux ones. That will probably come back to bite me but will that have caused any damage to me running windows games? Firstly i am running windows server 2012 and have downloaded the game config files from the tcadmin v2 config post. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=6872 My problems 1. - When i go to create a server eg. brink; it goes through the motions of downloading the game from steam but when it is finished the game does not start up. All that is displayed is Players: 0/0. I have checked the executable file in the service settings. C:\TCAFiles\Users\test\11\brink.exe It match's up with what is in that directory and if i execute brink.exe manually through remote desktop i get the console pop up. I have tried this for many steam games and some non steam games and this is happening to 70% of the games i install. 2. -I can import a game config and when i go to create the server "game & voice management > create service > create a game service > select server" The game i have just imported does not show up in the list even if "show hidden" is enabled. 3. -I have not checked other steam games but i know this has just happened with Americas Army 3. I update the game via steam and it goes through its motions and says it has been completed but infact it is still running a older version. If anyone is able to help me with any of these problem it will be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hey, Im wondering how to get the bandwidth to work, i have followed all the instructions installing the prerequisites but it still doesent show. Anyone have ideas what else i can try? im running ubuntu non gui
  8. I have worked it out. everything should be sweet now
  9. I have tried that but during my tests it doesent work. Is there anyway to allow the config editor but not allow the text editor? that way i can block the server.properties and just run the editor instead?
  10. Hi, I have been searching everywhere for this and i have had no luck finding it for linux. What i want is a linux start up/command line for minecraft based games that will launch the game under a preassigned ip and port so the user can change the server.properties file contents as much as they like without stealing or changing to other users ip/port. thanks
  11. Hi, Im paying for someone to make a theme for me. add me on skype: Destero_au
  12. Thanks, It works but i have just had the same problem with the 2.0.69 update aswell. Is there a problem with my tcadmin in total thats stoping it from working? I am also having troubles every time i restart my box that all my servers do not come back up and i need to manually restart tcadmin via console.
  13. Hey, I run ubuntu and i have tried it multiple times to update to the latest version. I keep getting stuck on "Please wait while the monitor is restarted " I have left it run over night and still no dice. Does anyone have a solution i could try? thanks.
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