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Everything posted by drberrier

  1. OK guy's here is what I have so far, this is working for KF2, it is not polished! KF2 - Windows.xml
  2. ok it was set in the templates to IP: $[service.IpAddress] Ok so after going to Server IP's and changing the HostName to the external IP then restarting the server and making the change to the template to use $[service.IpHostname] instead of $[service.IpAddress] it is now working!!! Thank you for you time! ;-) -Darrell
  3. the e-mail is sending out the wrong IP Like this: Your Unreal Tournament 3 server has been created. Here is your game server's information: IP: <---- This should be the external IP Right? How to fix? Port: 7787 Query Port: 6510 Slots: 8
  4. OK made the changes and restarted the server and the e-mail still has the internal IP listed ! I do appreciate your help.
  5. OK so under Server Management - Server - Server Name Primary IP: internal IP Firewall IP: External IP Private Network IP: internal IP Then under the Server IPs Import IPs v4 IP Address Host Name public user Name Game Hosting Voice Hosting 192.168.1.xx my.com X X X am I missing something?
  6. When ever I create a new server for a client, the game IP address in the email is showing the internal IP address not the router firewall IP Address? any ideas on how to fix this?
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