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Minecraft RAM usage


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So one of our customers rents a Minecraft server, 4GB. He ran Vanilla and is now running Spigot, with almost no plugins. However, RAM usage goes up to 108.95%, he is using 4.36 GB of RAM.


It's weird because it has been this way since the beginning, doesn't matter if he restarts it, it goes up to over 4GB quite fast.


The weird thing is that the server runs very smooth in-game, no problems at all. We or he doesn't experience any problems but I'm curious as to why it shows 108.95%.


Is this normal? What should I do? Before he was using 3GB, same thing there, so he upgraded to 4GB (he wanted more players as well) but obviously he's using more RAM than he pays for (But I don't blame him, something is buggy), and this doesn't seem normal.


Thanks in advance.

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Spigot and Craftbukkit does use more RAM than vanilla Minecraft. You can create a rule that shuts down the server once it hits 100%, but this is not suggested since a lot of servers use more than 100%. Minecraft will eventually crash by itself at around 120-130%.

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Spigot and Craftbukkit does use more RAM than vanilla Minecraft. You can create a rule that shuts down the server once it hits 100%, but this is not suggested since a lot of servers use more than 100%. Minecraft will eventually crash by itself at around 120-130%.


Yes, but as I wrote, he used vanilla before. He recently switched to Spigot. The problem was there even under vanilla. :/

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Setting the Xms variable to something much lower than the Xmx variable could potentially be a cause of increased lag.


Could, however we haven't had any issues with it over the past 5 years on our production systems so I would recommend it if you don't notice any issues like our clients.

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On big servers, you would quickly see that this becomes a problem. We hosted a server that had 200 players online simultaneously, and chunk loading was pretty slow, and the TPS was low.


Sounds good.


@OP, let me know how that works out for you ;)

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i know this thread is already a bit older, but i have a similar problem and so i don't wanted to create a new thread if there is already an existing thread with a question to mine craft memory usage / display.


Currently I do have a mine craft Setup with "-Xmx4096M -Xms3072M" and since then i always get a strange Memory usage display in TCAdmin i have tried Vanilla and mods like Feed the beast the memory does show something like this:


Feed the Beast:


93438.28% (2.74 GB)




47900% (1.40 GB)


if i have the server configured with: "-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M"


i get: Memory:

15932.16% (477.96 MB)


normally it should show around 50% ? has somebody an idea what could cause this? (this does happen since i edited the configuration editor to allow me to set Xmx and Xms value if i create / reinstall the game server).


(sorry for my bad English it's not my native language)





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i have created custom variables like this one:


(X = means enabled / - = means disabled)


Variable Name: Xms

Default Value: 1024


X is numeric

X Preserve Value

- Max memory


View Order: 0


Note: Xms sets the minimum memory heap size.


"Variable Options i enabled"


X Command line parameter

- Don't add space after command line parameter

- Script parameter

- Save script parameter value

X Admin access

X Sub admin access

X Reseller access

- User access

X Server owner access

X Value is required


Required Message: Please set the minimum heap size (Xms)

Parent Variable: Xms

Parent Value: (empty)

Label: Minimum Memory Heap Size:

Description: Sets the minimum memory heap size.


Type: Number

Min Value: 1024

Max Value: 65535

Max Lenght: 0

Decimal Digits: 0

Decimal Separator: .

Group Separator: ,

Group Size: 3.00

Negative Pattern: -n

Postive Pattern: n


- Show spin buttons

X write all Decimals


Parameter Template: (Empty)


after this is done, i did go to configuration files, and then i added the "Configuration Editor" to the server.properties there i have added the default values like "hostname" etc. and my own Xms (and Xmx) values.


Item Type: Numeric textbox


Variable: Xms


X Value is required


Required Message: Please set the Maximum allowed heap size.

Parent Variable: (Empty)

Parent Value: (Empty)


Label: Xms:


Description: Minimum ram usage for Minecraft.



Type: Number

Min Value: 1,024

Max Value: 65,535

Max Length: 0

Decimal Digits: 0

Decimal Separator: .

Group Separator: ,

Group Size: 3.00

Negative Pattern: -n

Positive Pattern: n


- Show spin buttons

- Write all decimals



after this is saved you can create a Minecraft server with following setting options via configuration editor:


Server Name: MC Server


Level Name: world

Xmx: 4,096

Xms: 3,072

View Distance: 10

Max Connections: 3

Level Seed:


X Verify names

- Admin slot

- Hellworld

X Allow nether

X Spawn monsters

X Spawn animals


- Allow flight

- Whitelist


then it will a create a minecraft server and replace your variables with your settings, so my normal start parameter i have set in the minecraft config: -Xmx![Xmx]M -Xms![Xms]M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui does look like this when i do it with my custom variables:


./minecraft_server.sh -Xmx4096M -Xms3072M -jar minecraft_server.jar --nojline nogui


the server does run without issues, but because of this strange display of ram usage i can't build a check that does warn me if the server / customer uses to much power for a too long time.







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