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my 10Mbit connection


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I just got a new server, its a dell single 3.0ghz, with 4gigs. i plan to upgrade to a dual(if i can), just cause i been reading the benifits about it. I started to run 3 Source servers, all at 100tic. 2 20player, 1 10playes. so thats 50 player 100 tick server. The problem is, when i got that all full LAG!! it couldnt hold up. What could the problem be? It was ok at around 35 people, after that you notice the lag start to occur.




I thought a 10Mbit would be efficent enough to atleast run 100 people? at the rate now, i wont even cover my costs if i rented these servers out :sad:


Ty in advance..



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You are running 100 tick servers. If it is CS:S, then you are making it process 3 times as much per second than it normally does. When you start filling it up, you start using more than 3x as much CPU for the same server. It has nothing to do with your bandwidth, its all about the cpu(s).

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if your running a 64 man server at 100 tick its insane,




THe largest 100 Tick server we host is 24 Man, and this is only by special request. The largest we sell through our control panel is 20.




Now you said you were lagging at 34 man? or 32 I dont remember, but at 100 tick. The game starts to get unstable at higher tickrates.




You can run more then 2 servers.




Whats your server spec though.










I just reread your thread. You cant say how many slots you can get on. You need to test. Will your clients be active or not? THeres hundreds of factors..

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Server specs.


1 xeon 3.0ghz (plan to upgrade to dual if i can)


4gb ram


72gb scsi




I think the problem is my DC, i think its 1.25mb instead of 10Mbit that they advertise.




I know the cpu is fine cause its only hitting 50% ussage when fully active (not including map changes, hopefully that will change with the dual)

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At the risk of sounding like a dick... they have datacenters in KY?!




I have never heard of a 10 meg (non shared) unmetered for 100$ if you are using a TON of cogent you can get it for 7-9$ a meg even then your looking at 70$ + 30 for hardware. Your not going to get a good connection for 100$ for 10meg unmetered.




Expect to pay atleast 75+ a meg for quality bandwidth

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KY? no Toronto, Canada.


But my friend was explaining to me how it works. he says that since i have a 400gig max bandwith allowed.. that the max speed i can get is 1.25Mpbs




Im not sure if hes right on that.. but seems like he is since i cant download any files faster then that.

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