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Rust Linux Dedicated


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Hi Everyone, Just to let you know Rust Experimental is now available for Linux! Finally!!!


I know how to set this up this is the guide.


1. Follow the steam guide here



make sure you use the second commandline -

app_update 258550 -beta experimental validate***65279;


2. Please go to our website and download the 2 sets of files required




replace the files in "where_you_installed_rust"/RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64/


with the files from the x86_64 zip file


if you wish to install oxide mod you MUST put the sqllite3 file the zip file into the /RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64/ folder aswell


running the server is the normal command line like so


./RustDedicated -batchmode +server.ip YOUR SERVER IP +server.port 28015 +rcon.ip YOUR SERVER IP +rcon.port 32854 +server.hostname "My Rust Server" -server.maxplayers 100 +server.seed 52131283872 +rcon.password "WeLoveKetzen" -chat.serverlog 1 -server.netlog 1


Any more questions let us know!


My only request is someone PLEASE MAKE an xml for tcadmin2 ASAP for us as we want this in tcadmin :D

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In order to run a Rust Server Linux you need to run the following SSH Command:


apt-get install libc6


Once running this command you can then run unity libs required by rust.


Here is the pastebin link for the XML as i don't know how to attach the XML as an attachment.



Edited by simplyfrag
updated URL for fix on script.
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