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TCAdmin Version 2 is abandoned.

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Hello members and friends of TCAdmin 2.


I am here to show my dissatisfaction with the administration of TCAdmin 2


Here in this section you can find requests with more than one year with any kind of interaction of the administration


We all know that TCAdmin is the best game hosting plataform but commom we need our ideas and requests be heard.


I hope that someday our ideas are applied as we want.


Sorry for my english.

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What are you on about?

They are still releasing versions and a bunch of hot fixes as well.

Our requests are heard.

If you spent more time on the forum, it has been made obvious;


First they want to make sure TCAdmin 2 has the same featureset as TCAdmin 1.

After that it is time for all the extra requested features.

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What are you on about?

They are still releasing versions and a bunch of hot fixes as well.

Our requests are heard.

If you spent more time on the forum, it has been made obvious;


First they want to make sure TCAdmin 2 has the same featureset as TCAdmin 1.

After that it is time for all the extra requested features.











i can continue if you want...

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Problem is there is not currently any viable competition to drive innovation on TCA. There are other hosting panels but nothing as feature rich and stable. For a GSP needing a stable platform to grow on I don't believe there is anything even close to TCA currently.


Short of dumping a hefty bit of money into a custom solution TCA is all there is.

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