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Just Cause 3 MultiPlayer


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Have you tried running it using the information you see under 'Service Settings'?


I don't have anything unusual under the Service Settings, is there something specific you are referring to?


When I start it under TC admin I get a "Detected process crash" in the activity.log file and "Failed to communicate with steam, abort" messages in the Server.log file. Not sure if the latter is the cause of the fist...

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I'm referring to starting the server using the stuff you see under 'Service Settings', like when you're troubleshooting.

Take a look at this: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services



I see something flash a few times. But no stable open windows to debug with :-(


I think I may not be able to run it as TCAGame... if not what would be the safest way??

Edited by fjamieson
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What's the command line that you start it with?


I am using:


-MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots] -port=$[service.GamePort] -steamPort=$[service.CustomPort1]


Translates to: server.exe -MaxPlayers=5 -port=4200 -steamPort=4204



I think the issue is related to:

[2017-03-01 14:07:25]: port: 4200

[2017-03-01 14:07:25]: steamPort: 4204

[2017-03-01 14:07:25]: Failed to communicate with steam, abort

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Thanks for the help.


Changed my command line to :


-host=$[service.IpAddress] -MayPlayers=$[service.Slots] -port=$[service.GamePort] -steamPort=$[service.QueryPort]


Still getting a Process Crash and the message about not being able to get to steam.


I also am seeing the following message "Adding Directory client_packages, generating MD5 hashes. This might take a while." in the \log\network.log file.

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