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BEC with tcadmin


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Rename your bec file to becSERVICEID.exe (ie bec651.exe) and try this script:


if exist bec/Bec.exe goto start_bec



cd bec

start /im Bec%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f Config.cfg >nul 2>nul && (

echo BEC is runned!

) || (

echo Error with BEC running *** Please Contact Support ***



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first you need to rename BEC with after created...


@echo off

set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC"


ren BEC.exe BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe


then make a new script for after started with...


@echo off

set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC"


start BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f config.cfg --dsc


and for restart BEC have this...


@echo off

taskkill /F /IM BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe

set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC"


start BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f config.cfg --dsc


Hope this helps guys its how i have it in my cfg's and they don't let me down.

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