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Allow otherwise disallowed file types


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I installed my panel yesterday, and by accident when entering disallowed filetypes, entered .vdf - Now, thats a big porblem since im now not able to upload any mods to my CS servers.


I have tried going into the games templates, and change the file permissions, but it doesnt work - Even after restarting the TCAdmin monitor and such.


Also, when im connecting with FTP, i cant see the motd.txt, mapcycle.txt and similar files.


After searching a bit around, i can't seem to find the solution to my problem - Even after searching idrectly in the database. I simply cant find anywhere to edit the restricted files, i set up during the install of the panel.


I might be blind, it has happened before, but do any of you have a quick fix for this?


Best regards,

K. Hedahl

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For other that might be interested, i found the solution after looking around in the TCAdmin files.


Edit the file Override.config located /home/tcadmin/Monitor


The line is: <add key="RestrictedFileNames" value="RESTRICTEDfilenamesHERE" type="System.String,mscorlib" />

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  • 4 weeks later...

You should really restrict or unrestrict files through TCAdmin. By removing or changing that line you are allowing any file to by uploaded to your server(s).


Only a matter of time before your box is hacked by allowing any file.

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  • 7 months later...

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