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Forum Upgrades


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With some help from Hogie, we were able to import the current FUD forums into VB.


We will still be tweaking some things here and there.


One thing we have noticed is smiles that were contained in posts prior in the FUD forums, did not come over in the import. New posts made in VB will display the smiles fine. Hogie is working on importing them as well.


If anyone comes across something out of place or not working, please make a post here so we can fix it.


All user logins should be the same as before. I will be allowing the use of multiple logins for the same username. Some of you have requested that due to numerous people working for you that need access. As long as we don't see any flooding due to it, I will leave it enabled.


We hope that you enjoy the new forums :)

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Smilies have been carried over now...


Just so everyone else knows, there's an allowsmilies field in each post, which is 0 when you import it... Have to update that to 1 (and convert all the BB code that FUD did to the way VB stores smilies).


If you guys see anything out of the ordinary, let us know, so I can try to fix it.

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I see some problems arising from this as well. Threads where users post pictures skew the template out of whack.


The header and footer stay the same size, and the body gets pushed out to the sides :)


I will have to take a look at getting it fixed.

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